Wednesday, August 17, 2011

You couldn't help but laugh

Here we are this May waiting in front of a house for a group of gorgeously dressed young ladies to get in the carriage for their grand entrance at their school to arrive in style to their high school prom. It took awhile as it always does when pretty young women are trying to get everything about their look just perfect.

Which turned out to be a huge hit for the rest of the kids in the neighborhood.They actually got the chance to interact with our carriage horse Duke. At first they were timid, but as you can see they got more and more comfortable as one watched another pet the horse.

That is...until my husband who was heading for me pulled Dukes lips back and showed the kids Dukes teeth. Horses teeth are pretty disgusting to look at and he assured each and every one of them that, that, was what their teeth would look like if they didn't brush them regularly. While they were chanting "yuck" and "gross" my husband with his warped sense of humor makes a quick squat towards them and at the same time makes a loud snorting noise that sounds quite like a rabid wild hog in attack mode.

They scattered like roaches in the kitchen lights. Kids squealing, bikes were flung, and I'm convinced that Scotty from Star Trek beamed a couple of them up. Quickly they realized that Mr. Ron was the culprit and not sweet as apple pie Duke the horse, so soon they gave him that "Oh it was YOU!" look.

Before that though, the looks on their faces was, well... Priceless! You couldn't help but laugh.

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